The Portuguese Ombudsman marks the European and World Day against the Death Penalty

With this brief message, the Portuguese Ombudsman, as the National Institution for Human Rights and defender of the fundamental rights of all the citizens marks the European and World Day against the Death Penalty, which is celebrated today. In the year in which we celebrate the 150th anniversary of the abolition of the death penalty for civilian crimes, it is…

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National Preventive Mechanism presents special report regarding the temporary detention centers (or equivalent facilities) of foreign nationals in an irregular situation in our country or asylum seekers

  The National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) presents a special report about the reality encountered during the visits conducted in the second semester of 2016 to the temporary detention centers (or equivalent facilities) of foreign nationals in an irregular situation in our country or asylum seekers, complemented by other data that meanwhile was made available. Thus, after brief overall considerations regarding…

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The Portuguese Ombudsman receives the visit of the Defensor del Pueblo of Spain

The Portuguese Ombudsman receives, from September 20th to 21st, the Defensor del Pueblo of Spain. The visit main goal is to know the activity developed by the Portuguese Ombudsman and to exchange experiences concerning the promotion and defense of the migrants’ rights and the asylum Portuguese system, deepening the bilateral cooperation. The meeting registry can be seen here.

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The Portuguese Ombudsman points out the moral rehabilitation of the soldier João Ferreira de Almeida

The historical facts, as they are, can not be evaluated. They simply exist. However, what we can value is its moral dimension. And the judgement with meaning and historical perspective ― to which the balanced axiological dimension must be added, never forgetting the time and place in which they were practiced ― leads us to the valuation that comes to…

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The Portuguese Ombudsman participates in the 36th session of the Human Rights Council

Today this body of State participates in the 36th session of the Human Rights Council, which occurs between September 11th and 29th, in Geneva. In this occasion a communication will be made following the report presented by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Human Rights to Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation, received by the Portuguese Ombudsman on December 6th 2016.

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