The Ombudsman was represented in the celebrations of the 10th anniversary of the Ombudsman of Mozambique by the coordinator of the National Preventive Mechanism Miguel Feldmann. The event was marked by an international conference, held on May 26, and an institutional visit to the Ombudsman’s new facilities in Maputo.
The commemoration of Children’s Day, this 1st June, provides an opportunity for the Ombudsman to present the community with a balance, albeit very brief, of the activity that has been developed in relation to the protection and defense of the rights of the youngest. Since 1993, the Provedoria’s services have made available a telephone line especially dedicated to issues related…
The Ombudsman submitted to the Constitutional Court a request for a declaration of unconstitutionality, with mandatory general force, of the norms included in numbers 5 and 6 of article 6, of Law nr. 27/2021, of May 17th, that approves the Portuguese Charter of Human Rights in the Digital Era. To read the appeal click here [in Portuguese only].
At the end of the Auto and IVAucher programs, the Ombudsman sent a letter to the Secretary of State for Fiscal Affairs, alerting to the receipt of various complaints in relation to both programs, in particular in relation to difficulties in access to the benefits granted by these programs due to reasons beyond the responsibility of taxpayers. Amongst the most…
The Ombudsman was present at the Annual Meeting for Evaluation of the Activity of the Commissions for Protection of Children and Youth (CPCJ) that took place between June 22 and 24, in Reguengos de Monsaraz. Maria Lúcia Amaral gave the inaugural lecture around the theme of the Meeting – Children in a context of crisis. To read the Ombudsman’s communication…