EMEL. Ombudsman’s Office welcomes reversal of fine in case of faulty parking meter

The Ombudsman’s Office welcomes the decision by EMEL – Empresa Municipal de Mobilidade e Estacionamento de Lisboa, E.M.S.A., to reverse the imposition of a fine for non-payment of a parking fee after it was proven that the nearest parking meter was out of order. This review followed the intervention of the Ombudsman’s Office, which found that the metadata of the…

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Authentication of documents. Ombudsman’s Office suggests that parish councils offer citizens an alternative to using the white stamp

The Ombudsman’s Office has suggested that parish councils offer citizens an alternative to the use of the white stamp as a means of authenticating certifying documents signed by the respective presidents, namely certificates of residence or economic situation. The recommendation came about following a complaint in which it was found that citizens may find it impossible to use these documents…

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Ombudsman at conference organised by Associação Participar+ on “The fragility of democratic institutions in Portugal”

The Ombudsman, Maria Lúcia Amaral, closed the first cycle of sessions of the conference organised by the Participar+ Association on “The fragility of democratic institutions in Portugal”. The event took place on 18 September at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon. To read the Ombudsman’s speech, click here [in Portuguese only].

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European Parliament elections. Ombudsman heard by the Committee on Constitutional Affairs, Rights, Freedoms and Guarantees

The Ombudsman, Maria Lúcia Amaral, attended the hearing requested by the Committee on Constitutional Affairs, Rights, Freedoms and Guarantees as part of the specialised discussion of Bill 560/XV (PSD) and the other legislative initiatives under consideration – PPL 91/XV/1 (GOV) and Bill 826/XV/1.ª (PAN) – on the elections to the European Parliament: You can access the video of the hearing…

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World Mental Health Day. National Preventive Mechanism participates in conference on mental health and human rights

The Ombudsman was represented by the Coordinator of the National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) Miguel Feldmann, at the conference marking World Mental Health Day (10th October), organised by the National Coordination of Mental Health Policies and the National Health Service (Ministry of Health) in partnership with the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. Miguel Feldmann has taken part as a speaker in the conference on…

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The Portuguese Ombudsperson at the General Assembly and Congress of the Ibero-American Ombudsperson Federation (FIO)

The Ombudsperson, Maria Lúcia Amaral, and the Deputy Ombudsman, Estrela Chaby, are participating in the XXVIII Ordinary General Assembly and the XXVII Congress of the Ibero-American Ombudsperson Federation (FIO), taking place between 3 and 5 October in Barranquilla, Colombia. The agenda includes meetings of FIO’s Thematic Networks and Working Groups, the annual Congress on the theme “Independence and Autonomy in…

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Extinction of SEF. Meeting with the Secretary of State for Equality and Migration

The Deputy Ombudsman, Ravi Afonso Pereira, and the Coordinator of the Ombudsman’s Office, Catarina Ventura, met with the Secretary of State for Equality and Migration, Dr Isabel Almeida Rodrigues, with a view to discussing the role of the new Agency for Integration, Migration and Asylum (AIMA) in taking on the responsibilities entrusted to the Immigration and Borders Service (SEF) in…

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International Day of Older Persons

Assinala-se hoje o Dia Internacional do Idoso, oferecendo a oportunidade para fazer uma breve atualização da atividade da Linha dedicada aos mais velhos disponibilizada pela Provedoria de Justiça. Sem grandes variações face a anos anteriores, ao longo de 2023 e até ao momento foram recebidas mil e duzentas chamadas, motivadas essencialmente por pedidos de informação sobre apoios e respostas sociais,…

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