Ombudsman welcomes approval of new land registry legal regime

A Provedora de Justiça congratula-se com a aprovação do novo regime jurídico do cadastro predial (Decreto-Lei n.º 72/2023, de 23 agosto), na expectativa de que permita ultrapassar os grandes atrasos nos procedimentos de reclamação administrativa (PRA) para retificação de erros e/ou a atualização de elementos constantes das matrizes prediais. O procedimento de reclamação administrativa até agora em vigor exigia o…

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Ombudsman at the meeting of the Council of State dedicated to the theme “Analysis of the economic, social and political situation in Portugal”

The Ombudsperson, Maria Lúcia Amaral, participated in the meeting of the Council of State held on 21 July 2023, at the Palácio de Belém, dedicated to the analysis of the economic, social and political situation in Portugal. The Ombudsman is an inherent member of this political body that consults the President of the Republic. More information here.

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Deputy Ombudsperson at the Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity award ceremony

The Ombudsman was represented by the Deputy Ombudsperson, Estrela Chaby, at the award ceremony of the Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity, which took place on 19 July in Lisbon. The Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity honours outstanding contributions to climate action and climate solutions that inspire hope and new possibilities. In this 4th edition, Bandi “Apai Janggut” (Indonesia), Cécile Bibiane Ndjebet (Cameroon)…

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CEJ. Deputy Ombudsperson at the Solemn Closing Session of Training Courses

The Deputy Ombudsperson, Estrela Chaby, attended the Solemn Closing Session of the 1st Cycle of Theoretical and Practical Training of the 39th Training Course for Judicial Magistrates and the 9th Training Course for Judges of the Administrative and Tax Courts, which took place on 14 July, at the Álvaro Laborinho Lúcio Auditorium, in Lisbon. About this event, promoted by the…

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Ombudsman’s Office receives delegation from the Macao Legal and Judicial Training Centre

On 11 July 2023, the Deputy Ombudsmen and Coordinators of the Ombudsman’s Office received a delegation from the Macao Legal and Judicial Training Centre, composed of its director and other officials and a group of trainees from the 6th Training Course and Internship for Entry into the Judiciary and Public Prosecution of Macao. The visit to Portugal of the delegation…

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CNDH. Deputy Ombudsman at the meeting of the Working Group for the commemorations of the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The Deputy Ombudsman, Ravi Afonso Pereira, participated on 11 July in the meeting of the Working Group of the National Commission for Human Rights (CNDH) dedicated to the commemorations of the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Council of Europe Visibility Week. The Ombudsman is represented in the CNDH with the status of permanent observer.…

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