
Inauguration speech
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The Portuguese Ombudsman and the inclusion challenges in higher education
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VII Encontro Nacional de Provedores do Estudante
Tomar, 2017-10-12


A Pact for Social Justice
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Closing session of the conference A Pact for Social Justice 
Lisbon, 2017-05-09
Opening session of the Conference Europe and Refugees – Risks and Opportunities
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Conference Europe and Refugees – Risks and Opportunities
Lisbon, 2016-06-02
The human rights defence and additive behaviors: the role of the Portuguese Ombudsman
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National Congress of Adictology «Time and addictions: linking science, clinics and politics»
Coimbra, 2016-05-20
Speech delivered at the Opening Session of the Cycle of Conferences in Homage to Jorge Ribeiro de Faria, PhD
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Cycle of Conferences in Homage to Jorge Ribeiro de Faria, PhD
Oporto, 2016-05-19 
The Portuguese Ombudsman: mission, powers and challenges
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Comparative Law Seminar The transversality of the Ombudsman role vs. Pragmatism – The Decision-Making Power

Luanda, 2016-09-29

Tirana high-level International Conference: The role of the Ombudsman in the migration crisis – Conclusions
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High-level International Conference: Challenges for Ombudsman Institutions with respect to mixed migratory flows – The role of the Ombudsman in the migration crisis
Tirana, 2016-09-08


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