You can find the Portuguese version of the communication here
You can find the Portuguese version of the communication here
You can find the Portuguese version of the communication here
You can find the Portuguese version of the communication here
O Provedor de Justiça, na sua qualidade de membro e vice-presidente para a região Europa do Conselho Reitor da Federação Ibero-Americana de Ombudsman, é o anfitrião da reunião deste órgão. Este evento realizar-se-á nos próximos dias 10 e 11 de março, em Lisboa. Nesta reunião estarão presentes o Diputado del Común de Canarias, Defensor del Pueblo de la República…
There are several images and stories filling books which tell our history. Changes are made in several matters but persists the difference on how women are treated. A difference that, being yet present, frustrates the struggle and lives of women who, for over a century are striving for equal treatment between genders. The Portuguese Ombudsman, defender of the human rights,…
You can find the Portuguese version of the communication here.
Humanity is full of an endless diversity. We have various skin colors, various ways to express love, multiple diseases and disabilities. We differ in these and many other aspects. But we must always be treated equally. The Portuguese Ombudsman marks, with this brief message, the Zero Discrimination Day and enhances that its mission of promotion and uncompromising defense of…
You can find the Portuguese version of the communication here
You can find the Portuguese version of the communication here