The Ombudsman is promoting an institutional seminar entitled The Ombudsman in the future – new challenges

The Ombudsman is celebrating 40 years serving democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights of citizens. Within these celebrations, the state body, the Ombudsman, promotes an Institutional Seminar entitled The Ombudsman in the future – the new challenges starting at 3.30 p.m. in the Parliament’s Senate Room. The Institutional Seminar program can be found here.

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March 18th: The Ombudsman has inaugurated an oil portrait gallery of the previous Ombudsmen

O Provedor de Justiça, no dia 18 de março, no âmbito da celebração dos 40 anos deste órgão do Estado inaugurou a Galeria de Retratos a óleo dos antigos Provedores de Justiça. Pretendeu-se com esta iniciativa homenagear os anteriores Provedores de Justiça pela dedicação e entrega à causa Pública, pela defesa do Estado de Direito e pela proteção e promoção…

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The Ombudsman is promoting a photography contest entitled 40 years, 40 photographs, 40 photographers

The Ombudsman as part of the celebration of the 40 years is promoting the Photo Contest entitled 40 years, 40 photographs, 40 photographers in order to strengthen the dissemination of its activities and areas of intervention and at the same time, spread the photography as a form of artistic expression.The contest begins March 9th and ends on May 31st 2015,…

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March 9th: The Ombudsman promoted at the Agrupamento de Escolas Leal da Câmara headquarters in Rio de Mouro an awareness session for human rights

O Provedor de Justiça, no âmbito das celebrações dos 40 anos deste órgão do Estado e enquadrado no Protocolo estabelecido com o Ministério de Educação e Ciência, realizará uma ação de sensibilização para os Direitos Humanos na sede do Agrupamento de Escolas Leal da Câmara, em Rio de Mouro, no próximo dia 9 de março, pelas 15.00 horas. Esta ação…

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