State of emergency/Covid-19. Ombudsman sends recommendation to Government on restrictions during childbirth and puerperium and follow up of families of deadly victims

The Ombudsman sent a recommendation to the Minister of Health with a view to minimizing the restrictions to which families are being subjected, due to the current pandemic context, in two fundamental moments of human existence: birth and death. To read the recommendation in full click here [in Portuguese only].

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Lines 707: Ombudsman welcomes ban on use by public bodies and companies providing public services

The Ombudsman welcomes the prohibition for public authorities and companies providing public services to use telephone numbers at an increased cost for contact with consumers. The Ombudsman had already taken a position in this respect and, following the investigation of several cases, a number of public services had already ceased to use cost-enhanced numbers. This was the case of the…

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State of emergency/Covid-19. Ombudsman sends suggestions to make the suspension of tax executions effective

The Ombudsman suggested adaptations of procedures to ensure effective suspension of the practical effects of all tax enforcement proceedings in relation to seizures (or other coercive acts) on the part of the Tax Authority, the Social Security Executive Chambers and the third parties responsible for complying with them, in the cases of banks, paying entities (of salaries or pensions) and…

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State of emergency/Covid-19. Ombudsman sends recommendation to Government on extraordinary support for self-employed workers

The Ombudsman sent a recommendation to the Minister of Labour and Solidarity and Social Security suggesting a set of changes to the measure provided for in article 26 of Decree-Law no. 10-A/2020, of 13 March, of extraordinary support for the reduction in the activity of self-employed workers due to the outbreak of the new coronavirus. To read the recommendation, click…

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Ombudsman’s proposal to regulate special schemes for access to higher education accepted

The Ombudsman welcomes the alteration to the regulation of the special regimes for access and entry into higher education, implemented through article 3 of Decree-Law no. 11/2020, of 2 April, which makes it possible to overcome a situation of injustice previously reported to the Government. The lack of articulation of the timetable established for the formalisation of applications under the…

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Free schoolbooks. Ombudsman receives response from the Minister of Education to the recommendation for legislative change

The Ombudsman received a response from the Minister of Education in which the ruler informs that he will not comply with the Recommendation to amend the legislation in order to extend the measure of free distribution of textbooks to all students who are proven to be in need and who attend private or cooperative education. To read the reply of…

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State of emergency. Ombudsman suggests extension to lawyers and solicitors of support measures similar to those of self-employed workers

The Ombudsman suggests the consideration and adoption of measures for exceptional and temporary support to lawyers and solicitors similar to those that have been recognised for self-employed workers. To read the letters sent to the Secretary of State for Social Security and the Deputy Secretary of State for Justice, click here [in Portuguese, only].  

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State of emergency. Note on exceptional and temporary justified absences motivated by family assistance

The Ombudsman received several complaints from workers whose functions are incompatible with the teleworking regime and are forced to miss work to provide support to the elderly who are part of their household and depend on their permanent support, especially in the face of the recent closure of social responses in which they were integrated (day centers and homes). The…

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