The Ombudsman participated, through her Cabinet Adviser Patrícia Fragoso Martins, in the webinar promoted by the European Network of Ombudsmen dedicated to “Institutional care, the use of EU funds and lessons from the pandemic”. The event took place on 15 September and was organized following the enquiry promoted by the European Ombudsman on the use of European funds and the…
The Ombudspersons of Portugal and Cape Verde, Maria Lúcia Amaral and José Carlos Delgado, signed a Cooperation Protocol to strengthen the conditions for sharing knowledge, good practices and exchanging experiences, as well as facilitating citizens’ access to their institutions. The Protocol foresees, among others, the development of joint actions of capacity building and exchange, namely of specialized technicians, so that…
The Ombudsman, Maria Lúcia Amaral, travels to Madrid on January 20 for a working visit to Defensor del Pueblo, a similar institution in Spain, headed by Francisco Fernández Marugán. The two-day visit aims to strengthen cooperation and share good practices and experiences. As in the case of the Ombudsman of Portugal, the Defensor del Pueblo accumulates in Spain the original…
Deputy Ombudsman Teresa Anjinho welcomes in Lisbon the second regional meeting of the European Ombudsman Network – ENO. The meeting, which will take place on 9 and 10 December, focuses on the exchange of experiences on the handling of complaints and possible parallel inquiries between the European Ombudsman and national Ombudsmen on matters relating to the application of EU law.…
Deputy Ombudsman Joaquim Pedro Cardoso da Cunha attends the conference on “The Venice Principles on Strengthening the Ombudsman Institutions”. n>
The Deputy Ombudsman Teresa Anjinho participated in the Working Group on Business and Human Rights and attended the United Nations Forum on the same topic. Both initiatives took place in Geneva on 26 and 27 November. The Working Group on Human Rights Issues, Transnational Corporations and Other Companies was established by the Human Rights Council in 2011 (resolution 17/4). The…
The Ombudsman, Maria Lúcia Amaral, participates in the XXIV Congress and General Assembly of the Ibero-American Ombudsman Federation (FIO), which takes place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from November 26 to 28, 2019. Representatives of national human rights institutions from more than 20 Ibero-American countries are gathering around the theme of "gender violence and its impacts on equality", including access…
The Ombudsman was heard by the UN Committee against Torture on the implementation of the Convention against Torture and other inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment in Portugal. Represented by the National Prevention Mechanism (NPM) Coordinator, João Costa, and Cabinet Assistant, Ana Rita Gil, this state body has focused on its main concerns in the context of its safeguarding the…
The Working Group on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises will convene a two-day global consultation on the role of national human rights institutions in facilitating access to remedy for business-related human rights abuses. The Deputy Ombudsman, Teresa Anjinho, will take part in that global consultation that takes place on 10-11 October at Palais…
Deputy Ombudsman Teresa Anjinho attends the high-level conference organized by the Council of Europe on the theme ‘"On the Road to Effective Equality: New responses to racism and intolerance needed?" The conference will take place on 26 and 27 September in Paris, the capital of the country currently holding the Presidency of the Council of Europe, signaling the 25th anniversary…