On 20 November, we celebrate the 32nd anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations in 1989, signed by Portugal on 26 January 1990 and approved, for ratification, by Resolution no. 20/90 of the Assembly of the Republic, on 8 June 1990. Welcoming a new vision on the unquestionable…
The Deputy Ombudsman, Teresa Anjinho, participates in the Leadership Forum of ENNHRI- European Network of National Human Rights Institutions. The Forum sessions take place from 10 to 26 November 2021. To access the programme click here.
5th November – The Deputy Ombudsman, Joaquim Pedro Cardoso da Costa, participated in the Mediation Conference “Present and Future” that took place in Tenerife, within the scope of the DEMOS Project. To consult the program click here.
A meeting between the Ombudsmen of Portugal and of Angola, Maria Lúcia Amaral and Florbela Araújo, was held in Lisbon on 12 October, to hold a working meeting and sign a Cooperation Agreement between the two institution The Agreement aims to strengthen the conditions for sharing knowledge, good practices and exchange of experiences, and to facilitate citizens’ access to the…
The Deputy Ombudsman, Teresa Anjinho, and the Cabinet Deputies, Patrícia Fragoso Martins and Ricardo Carvalho, participated in the General Assembly of ENNHRI – European Network of National Human Rights Institutions. The event took place on 29 September 2021.
The Ombudsman participated, through her Cabinet Adviser Patrícia Fragoso Martins, in the webinar promoted by the European Network of Ombudsmen dedicated to “Institutional care, the use of EU funds and lessons from the pandemic”. The event took place on 15 September and was organized following the enquiry promoted by the European Ombudsman on the use of European funds and the…
The Ombudsman, Maria Lúcia Amaral, attended the General Assembly, the International Board meeting and then the Annual Conference of the IOI – International Ombudsman Institute, which took place between 25 and 27 May in Dublin (remotely). The General Assembly was marked by the inauguration of the new members of the governing bodies of this international organisation, including the Ombudsman of…
Ombudsman addresses the Rule of Law in a conference organized by the Portuguese presidency of the EU
The Ombudsman, Maria Lúcia Amaral, spoke at the two-day high-level conference on “The Rule of Law in Europe”, which brought together, in Coimbra, politicians, magistrates, academics and representatives of civil society. Co-organized with the European Commission, the conference took place in the framework of the Portuguese presidency of the European Union in a hybrid format (in person and online), with…
The Deputy Ombudsman, Joaquim Pedro Cardoso da Costa, attended on 7 April the international conference on the United Nations Resolution on the "role of the Ombudsman and ombudsman institutions in the promotion and protection of human rights, good governance and the rule of law". The webinar was organized by the Ombudsman of the Kingdom of Morocco, the Council of Europe…
Deputy Ombudsman Teresa Anjinho participates in the high-level conference organised by the Portuguese Presidency of the European Union to mark the 10th anniversary of the signing of the Istanbul Convention. The conference, which will take place on April 6th, 2021, proposes to take stock of the ten years of the Convention, including an analysis of the advances and setbacks,…