World Mental Health Day. National Preventive Mechanism participates in conference on mental health and human rights

The Ombudsman was represented by the Coordinator of the National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) Miguel Feldmann, at the conference marking World Mental Health Day (10th October), organised by the National Coordination of Mental Health Policies and the National Health Service (Ministry of Health) in partnership with the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. Miguel Feldmann has taken part as a speaker in the conference on…

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Ombudsperson receives visit from the president of Turkey’s INDH

The Ombudsperson, Maria Lúcia Amaral, received on 19 April a visit from a delegation of the Human Rights and Equality Institution of Turkey (HREIT) led by its president, Muharrem Kiliç. The visit was intended to allow the exchange of experience and good practices, particularly in the function of National Preventive Mechanism that both institutions ensure in their respective countries.

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Ombudsman at the opening of the Annual Meeting to Assess the Activity of the Children and Youth Protection Commissions

The Ombudsman was present at the Annual Meeting for Evaluation of the Activity of the Commissions for Protection of Children and Youth (CPCJ) that took place between June 22 and 24, in Reguengos de Monsaraz. Maria Lúcia Amaral gave the inaugural lecture around the theme of the Meeting – Children in a context of crisis. To read the Ombudsman’s communication…

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Ombudsman participates in Training Week on Constitutional State Building / G7+ Project

The Ombudsman, Maria Lúcia Amaral, participated in the Training Week on the Construction of the Constitutional State, that took place between 20 and 24 September, and gave a lecture on the role of the Ombudsman. The initiative was promoted by the University of Coimbra (UC) in partnership with the intergovernmental organization G7+ and the Juridical Institute of the UC Faculty…

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Ombudsman at the 17th National Congress on Bioethics

The Ombudsman participated in the 17th National Congress on Bioethics, under the theme “Our post-pandemic future”. Maria Lúcia Amaral opened the session dedicated to Fundamental Rights. The Congress was co-organised by the Faculty of Law of the University of Porto, the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto, the Portuguese Bioethics Association and the Legal and Economic Research Centre…

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Madeira. Ombudsman Office organizes Human Rights Seminar on the occasion of the presentation of the study “Implementation of Public Policies on Social Housing”

The public presentation of the study on the “Implementation of Public Policies regarding Social Housing in the Autonomous Region of Madeira“, conducted under the scientific coordination of Professor António Almeida and Professor Susana Teles, will take place on October 28th, at 10.30am, at the Rectory of the University of Madeira. Promoted by the Ombudsman Office, under the scope of the…

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