The Ombudsman, in collaboration with the Municipality of Sintra, joins the initiative of the National Observatory for the Defense of Animals and Diffuse Interests (ONDAID) in organizing the Seminar “Accumulation Disorder – Law, Animal Welfare and Health”. Public ”. The event will take place on November 6, 2019, in the auditorium of the Olga Cadaval Cultural Center in Sintra. The…
The Ombudsman, Maria Lúcia Amaral, spoke at the opening session of the 33rd Social Pastoral Meeting, which will take place in Fatima from October 22 to 24, under the motto “Bringing the peripheries to the center”. To access the program of the Meeting, inaugurated by the president of the Portuguese Episcopal Conference, D. Manuel Clemente, click here. To read the…
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The Ombudsman, Maria Lúcia Amaral, participated as a speaker at the Brazilian Portuguese seminar organized by the University Institute of Rio de Janeiro around the Portuguese Judicial System and the Ombudsman. The event, aimed at Brazilian magistrates, took place at the Autonomous University of Lisbon. on Lock
The Ombudsman carried out a training session for the Mozambican Ombudsman, who sent a team of five persons to Lisbon from 7 to 11 October. Organized at the request of the Mozambican Ombudsman, Isaque Chande, the action focused on the methods and procedures for collecting and processing information for the production of reports and other disclosure documents on the action…
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The Ombudsman, Maria Lúcia Amaral, received a delegation from the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe, which is preparing a report on the respect of the principles of the European Charter of Local Self-Government by the Member States of this organization. The Charter was ratified by Portugal in 1990.
The Ombudsman participated in the IV Conference organized by the Santa Casa da Misericórdia on "Longevity and Neurodegenerative Diseases" and the importance of the humanization of the medical act, that took place in Lisbon on June 4. Maria Lúcia Amaral intervened in the panel that addressed "Ethics and Rights" from the perspective of people who are especially vulnerable and /…
The promotion and defense of the rights of the child are fundamental tasks of the State and of the community, being assumed not only as ethical duties, but also as obligations that have already reached the juridical level, based on national and international instruments. Therefore, celebrating the day of the child implies to affirm its singularity as a holder of…
The Ombudsman, Maria Lúcia Amaral, received a delegation of experts from the Advisory Committee of the Council of Europe for the Protection of National Minorities, within the framework of the first follow-up visit of this body to Portugal. The meeting dealt with the situation of human rights and cases of discrimination. In Portugal, the Ombudsman is also a National Human…