Tribute to Salgado Zenha. Ombudsman at the commemorations of the centennial of Francisco Salgado Zenha at the Law School of the University of Minho

The Ombudsperson, Maria Lúcia Amaral, participated in the commemorations of the centennial of Francisco Salgado Zenha’s birth, that took place in Braga, where he was born. The Ombudsperson closed the conference “The Necessary Testimonies“, dedicated to the honoured Francisco Salgado Zenha, organized by the Law School of the University of Minho, on 2 May, 2023. On this occasion, the Ombudsperson…

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Portuguese Parliament. Ombudsman at the Commemorative Solemn Session of the 49th Anniversary of 25th April 1974 and at the Solemn Session to Welcome the President of the Federative Republic of Brazil

The Ombudsperson, Maria Lúcia Amaral, was present at the Solemn Commemorative Session of the 49th Anniversary of 25 April 1974, that was held in the Hall of Sessions of the Assembly of the Republic. She was also present at the formal sitting to welcome the President of the Federative Republic of Brazil, which took place on the same day in…

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Ombudsman Office at the Closing Session of the Post-Graduate Course “The New Children and Young People’s Law – Prof. Doutor Guilherme de Oliveira” organized by the Family Law Centre of the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra

The Ombudsman was represented by the Coordinator of the Ombudsman’s Office, Miguel Menezes Coelho, at the Closing Session of the 1st Post-Graduate Course “The New Children and Young People’s Law – Prof. Doutor Guilherme de Oliveira“, organized by the Family Law Centre of the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra, on 11 February, 2023.

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Deputy Ombudsman participates in training seminar for judges and prosecutors on cultural diversity and the courts, as part of the activities of the European Judicial Training Network

The Deputy Ombudsman, Ravi Afonso Pereira, participated as a speaker in the seminar “Dealing with cultural diversity in the Courtroom”, integrated in the activities of the European Judicial Training Network (EJTN), that brought together European judges and prosecutors at the Centro de Estudos Judiciários, in Lisbon, on 25 and 26 May, for a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities…

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Ombudsman Office at the 38th plenary meeting of the National Commission for Human Rights

The Ombudsman Office participated in the 38th plenary meeting of the National Commission for Human Rights, represented by the Deputy Ombudsman, Ravi Afonso Pereira, the Coordinator of the NPM, Miguel Feldmann and the International Relations Officer, Cristina Sá Costa. The plenary meeting was held on 19 May, in Lisbon, organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The National Commission for…

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Ombudsman Office meets with Federal Prosecutor for the Rights of the Citizen (Brazil) to discuss the topic “The enforcement of rights in the digital age: the role of the Ombudsman”.

By initiative of the Justice and Governance Research Centre (JusGov) and the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence “Digital citizenship and technological sustainability: pursuing the effectiveness of the CDFUE in the digital decade (CitDig)”, of the Law School of the University of Minho, a meeting was promoted between representatives of the Ombudsman Office and the Federal Prosecutor’s Office for Citizens’ Rights…

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Deputy Ombudsman at the conference “Mental Illness: from Imputability to Resocialization”, organized by the Supreme Court of Justice (STJ) and the Centre for Judicial Studies (CEJ)

The Deputy Ombudsman was represented by the Deputy Ombudsman, Estrela Chaby, at the conference on “Mental Illness: from Imputability to Re-socialisation”, organised by the Supreme Court of Justice (STJ) and by the Judicial Studies Centre (CEJ), which took place on 28 April, at the Noble Room of the STJ, in Lisbon.

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Ombudsman Office in the International Seminar “Economics without Borders”, at the University of Katowice, Poland

The Ombudsman’s Office was present at the international seminar integrated in the “Economics without Borders” project, organized by the Katowice University of Economics, in Poland, that took place between 19 and 21 April. Coordinator Miguel Feldmann made a presentation on the importance and significance of Human Rights in the economic context (human rights and consumption), on the last day of…

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