The Portuguese Ombudsman requests a review of the constitutionality of norms of the Portuguese Charter of Human Rights in the Digital Age

The Ombudsman submitted to the Constitutional Court a request for a declaration of unconstitutionality, with mandatory general force, of the norms included in numbers 5 and 6 of article 6, of Law nr. 27/2021, of May 17th, that approves the Portuguese Charter of Human Rights in the Digital Era. To read the appeal click here [in Portuguese only].

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AUTO and IVAucher. Ombudsman warns of difficulties in access to the programs that should be corrected in the future

At the end of the Auto and IVAucher programs, the Ombudsman sent a letter to the Secretary of State for Fiscal Affairs, alerting to the receipt of various complaints in relation to both programs, in particular in relation to difficulties in access to the benefits granted by these programs due to reasons beyond the responsibility of taxpayers. Amongst the most…

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Ombudsman participates in the annual meeting of the Board of Directors of the IOI-International Ombudsman Institute

The Ombudsman, Maria Lúcia Amaral, participated in the annual meeting of the Board of Directors of the IOI-International Ombudsman Institute, held from 10 to 12 May, in New York. As part of the meeting, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the IOI and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), with a view to developing and implementing…

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Covid-19 support. Ombudsman renews alert in relation to unjustified exclusions of social protection

The Ombudsman once again addressed a letter to the Secretary of State for Social Security, drawing attention to the persistence of situations of exclusion from extraordinary social support, decreed in the framework of the Covid-19 pandemic, that generate unjustified social deprotection. The insistence arises after the content of the first warning call, made in May 2021, signalling discrimination against the…

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Social Benefit for Inclusion. Ombudsman welcomes regulation but emphasizes that there are still serious situations that need to be safeguarded

The Ombudsman sent a letter to the Secretary of State for Inclusion of Disabled Persons, in which she notes as positive the approval of Administrative Rule no. 230/2021, of 29 October, nevertheless drawing attention to the persistence of serious situations of social unprotection. The aforementioned Ministerial Order made it possible to render feasible the entitlement to Social Inclusion Benefit (PSI)…

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Long careers. Ombudsman Office questions the Government on the application of the early retirement regime

The Ombudsman’s Office sent a letter to the Secretary of State for Social Security in which it questions the restrictive manner in which the Civil Servants Pension Scheme (CGA) is applying the rules of access to early retirement for long contributory careers (46 years). For the purposes of access to this form of early retirement, the CGA has been demanding…

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Digital signature. Ombudsman warns that Public Administration services must provide alternative means for citizens

The Ombudsman suggested to a local authority to change its municipal regulations, in the part that requires a qualified digital signature for the delivery of requests, documents and complaints.  The suggestion arose from a complaint submitted to the Ombudsman by a person who, not knowing how to use the qualified digital signature, was unable to submit documents to the municipal…

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Law 26/2020. Ombudsman requests review by the Constitutional Court

The Ombudsman submitted a request to the Constitutional Court to review the constitutionality of articles 10, no. 2, 13, no. 4 and 14, no. 1 of Law no. 26/2020 of 21 July. Transposing a European directive, the aforementioned law establishes the obligation to communicate to the Tax and Customs Authority certain internal or cross-border mechanisms with tax relevance.The request addressed…

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