Assess, through the realization of interviews, the compliance with the rights and duties of prisoners, in particular in what regards their respective treatment Verify the habitability conditions of the detention zone, namely in what regards the thermal comfort Verify the working conditions of the military, by direct observation and by hearing them Verify the procedures of articulation between the Territorial…
Assess, through the realization of interviews, the compliance with the rights and duties of prisoners, in particular in what regards their respective treatment Verify the habitability conditions of the detention zone, namely in what regards the thermal comfort Verify the working conditions of the agents, by direct observation and by hearing them Verify the procedures of articulation between the District…
Analyse de habitability conditions: occupation, ventilation, insulation against the cold and heat Assess the conditions of access to health: in particular, in the field of the mental health Verify the procedures observed in the communication between the prison population and the Direction
Analyse the habitability conditions of the detention zone Verify the conditions of the food sector
Assess, through the realization of interviews, the compliance with the rights and duties of prisoners who have been admitted to the prison establishment for eight days or less Verify the habitability conditions, namely in what regards the operating conditions of the boilers Verify the procedures observed in the communication between the prison population and the Direction Verify the availability, at…
Assess, through the realization of interviews, the compliance with the rights and duties of prisoners, in particular in what regards their respective treatment Verify the habitability conditions of the detention zone, namely in what regards the thermal comfort Verify the working conditions of the military, by direct observation and by hearing them Verify the procedures of articulation between the Territorial…
Assess, through the realization of interviews, the compliance with the rights and duties of prisoners, in particular in what regards their respective treatment Verify the habitability conditions of the detention zone, namely in what regards the thermal comfort Verify the working conditions of the agents, by direct observation and by hearing them Verify the procedures of articulation between the District…
Assess the conditions under which the prisoners are fed Analyse the habitability conditions of the detention zone Assess, through the realization of interviews, the compliance with the rights and duties of prisoners, in particular in what regards their respective treatment
Investigation of the conditions under which detainees are fed Assess the conditions under which the prisoners are fed Assess, through the realization of interviews, the compliance with the rights and duties of prisoners, in particular in what regards their respective treatment and their transportation conditions
Analyse the habitability conditions of the detention zone Assuring compliance with the rights of prisoners of constitute lawyer, telephoning the defender and communicate with family or person of confidence