Delays in conducting medical examinations. Ombudsman warns of the urgent need to extend the validity of medical certificates for multiple disabilities that have expired due to lack of response from the State

The Ombudsman informed the Secretary of State for Health on receipt of various complaints from citizens holding medical certificates for multiple disabilities (AMIM) whose validity had expired on 31st December 2022, despite having requested re-examination of their situation in due time.

The situation is due to the persistent delay in scheduling a medical committee, and covers people who had requested renewal of their certificates in 2019 and 2020 and who, having seen their validity extended by government regulation until 31 December 2022, are now with expired certificates.

Recalling the Recommendations sent in 2020, and while there are no structural measures to overcome the underlying problem, the Ombudsman alerts to the need to maintain the extension previously established. In view of the current situation, she considers it urgent to guarantee immediate protection to persons who, for reasons that are not imputable to them, are no longer able to continue enjoying the rights conferred by law, including the attribution of social benefits.

The letter addressed to the Secretary of State for Health can be read in full here [in Portuguese only].

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