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Content type: News
Ombudsman’s Office collaborates in European technical assistance programme for Kenya’s Administrative Justice Commission

On February 24 and 25, the Ombudsman’s Office received a delegation from the Kenyan Administrative Justice Commission as part of the European Technical Assistance and Information Exchange (TAIEX) programme on the right to information and administrative justice. The purpose of the working visit was to strengthen the capacities and competences of the Kenya Administrative Justice Commission’s research department in the…

Content type: News
Ombudsperson in Bissau to prepare presentation of the CPLP Human Rights Network to GANHRI

In her capacity as interim president of the CPLP Human Rights Network, the Ombudsperson, Maria Lúcia Amaral, traveled to Bissau on February 19 and 20, where she held a series of institutional meetings with the aim of strengthening bilateral cooperation and preparing the presentation and consolidation of the Network at international level, with the Global Alliance of National Human Rights…

Content type: News
Ombudsman’s Office takes part in European meeting on the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum

On 5 and 6 February, the Ombudsman’s Office took part in a European meeting of peers to discuss the European Union (EU) Pact on Migration and Asylum. Organised by the Dutch Ombudsman, the event aimed to debate the implications of the Pact in the field of fundamental rights, as well as to share expectations and experiences about its impact on…

Content type: News
Ombudsperson at the Eventual Commission for monitoring the Anti-Corruption Agenda

The Ombudsperson, Maria Lúcia Amaral, was heard at the Eventual Commission for the integrated follow-up of the implementation and monitoring of the Anti-Corruption Agenda. The hearing took place on 11 February at the Portuguese Parliament. To watch the hearing, click here.

Content type: News
National Republican Guard. MNP publishes thematic report on detention conditions and procedures

The National Prevention Mechanism (MNP), which works under the auspices of the Ombudsman, is today publishing a thematic report [link] on detention conditions and procedures at National Republican Guard (GNR) territorial posts, following visits over the last two years. The report, which has already been presented to the Guard Inspectorate, outlines the MNP’s main concerns about material conditions and detention…

Content type: News
Ombudsman’s Office takes part in the 2nd edition of the IOI Academy

The Ombudsman’s Office took part in the 2nd edition of the International Ombudsman Institute (IOI) Academy, promoted by the Europe region and this time hosted by the Dutch Ombudsman. The event took place in The Hague on 29 January and brought together 22 participants from counterpart institutions in 18 European countries, who discussed methods and shared experiences on how to…

Content type: News
Ombudsperson participates in Seminar on Human Rights and Police Activity

On 22 January, the Ombudsperson, Maria Lúcia Amaral, participated as a speaker at the VII Seminar on Internal Security, on the theme of ‘Human Rights and Police Activity’, an event organised by the Military Academy, at its premises in Lisbon. The Ombudsperson gave the seminar’s final lecture, which you can read here [in Portuguese only].

Content type: News
Rights of people with disabilities. Ombudsman recommends in-depth review of the System for the Allocation of Support Products

Faced with the persistence of complaints related to delays and difficulties in accessing fundamental support products for people with disabilities or temporary incapacity, the Ombudsman’s Office carried out a study that comprehensively examines SAPA – the System for the Allocation of Support Products. The conclusions of this study, now published in this Thematic Report (link), show that in order to…

Content type: News
International Human Rights Day: ‘Our rights, our future, now’

International Human Rights Day was celebrated on 10 December, a date that marks the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations in 1948, and with which the Ombudsman associates himself. Human rights are a matter for all of us, an everyday issue. You only have to go out into the street or watch the news…

Content type: News
International Human Rights Day. Ombudsperson takes part in international conference in Slovenia

The Ombudsperson took part in the high-level international conference on the effectiveness of Ombudsmen and National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs), which took place in Bled, Slovenia, on 5 and 6 December. The event marked the 30th anniversary of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Slovenia and brought together participants from different countries to debate contemporary challenges in the promotion and…

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