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The Ombudsman was represented by the Deputy Ombudsman, Ravi Afonso Pereira, at the ceremony organized by the Assembly of the Republic, on 1 February 2023, for the Evocation of Holocaust Remembrance Day. The Deputy Ombudsman attended the concert Music in Theresienstdt, in the Senate Hall of the Assembly of the Republic, on the occasion of the Holocaust Remembrance Day Evocation…
The Ombudsman, Maria Lúcia Amaral, was present in the conference organized by the National Trade Union of the Portuguese Justices of the Peace, on 27 January, dedicated to the topic: “20 years of the Justices of the Peace”. The Ombudsman participated in the Closing Session of the conference.
The Deputy Ombudsman, Estrela Chaby, participated in the 3rd edition of the Human Rights Training Programme for the Public Administration, organised by the National Administration Institute (INA). The Deputy Ombudsman intervened in the reflection webinar dedicated to the topic “Priorities of the National Human Rights Institution”, held on 27 January. The Programme aims to promote human rights and fundamental rights…
In view of the constraints resulting from the pandemic period, the Ombudsman questioned the Secretary of State for Fiscal Affairs about the need to extend, also for individual taxpayers, the deadline for reinvestment of the sale value of residential property, in the purchase, construction or improvement of another property for the same purpose, without losing the benefit of exclusion from…
The Ombudsman welcomes the rapid collaboration of the Agency for Administrative Modernization in correcting an inaccuracy contained in the Public Services Portal, in relation to continued employment after retirement. It was stated there that “After retiring, you can also continue working. And you don’t have to pay social security contributions”, which does not correspond, strictly speaking, to all possible situations.…
The Ombudsman’s Office is participating in the assistance program for Ombudsman-type institutions in the Balkan region, within the scope of the TAIEX (Technical Assistance and Information Exchange) project, promoted by the European Commission in the perspective of their accession to the European Union (EU). The objective of this mission is to evaluate the independence and efficiency of the functioning of…
The Ombudsman participated as a speaker in the event promoted on 12 January 2023 by the Literary Guild on the occasion of the bicentennial of the Portuguese Constitution of 1822. Maria Lúcia Amaral delivered the lecture “On the 200 years of the Constitution of 1822”, moderated by the President of the Literary Guild’s Literary Council, Guilherme d’Oliveira Martins.
The Ombudsman, Maria Lúcia Amaral, attended the Solemn Session to Open the 2023 Judicial Year, held on 10 January 2023, in the Main Hall of the Supreme Court of Justice.
The Ombudsman sent a recommendation to the Government to ensure effective accounting of the evaluation of former members of the Armed Forces who entered the Public Administration under the scope of the “system of incentives for provision of military service”. Following the assessment of various complaints, it was concluded that, in most cases, the norm of the State Budget for…
The Ombudsman, Maria Lúcia Amaral, was present at the investiture ceremony of the President of the Bar Association, Fernanda de Almeida Pinheiro. The inauguration of the President of the Bar Association, members of the General Council and Presidents and members of the Superior and Fiscal Councils of the Bar Association for the three-year period 2023-2025, took place on 9 January,…