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Content type: News
Ombudsman at the 27th Assembly of the FIO

The Ombudsman, Maria Lúcia Amaral, participated in the XXVII General Assembly of the FIO, Ibero-American Federation of Ombudsmen, which took place in Mexico City from 28 November to 1 December 2022. The work brought together more than a hundred representatives of public human rights bodies from 21 countries. They focused in particular on the challenges posed by the pandemic and…

Content type: News
‘More Sustainable Buildings’. Ombudsman suggests changes to the support programme

A Provedora de Justiça enviou ao Secretário de Estado do Ambiente e da Energia um ofício sugerindo alterações ao PAES – Programa de Apoio a Edifícios Mais Sustentáveis, destinadas a evitar, de futuro, a repetição de constrangimentos e iniquidades que levaram a mais de uma centena de queixas ao longo do último ano. Com base na experiência resultante da instrução…

Content type: News
Ombudsman received the Minister of Justice of the Bavarian Government

The Ombudsman, Maria Lúcia Amaral, received a delegation from the Ministry of Justice of the Bavarian State Government, headed by Minister Georg Eisenreich and accompanied by the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Julia Monar, in an audience on 3 November. During the meeting, several aspects related to the history and the national and international activity of the Ombudsman…

Content type: News
Ombudsman at Seminar on Responsible Gaming

Representing the Portuguese Ombudsman, the adviser Carla Vicente participated, on 31 October, in a Seminar on Responsible Gaming, organized by the Gaming Law Commission of the Brazilian Bar Association. The Seminar took place in the context of the procedure underway, in Brazil, to regulate the gaming market, and the topic was addressed in an interdisciplinary manner, with the presence of…

Content type: News
Teacher mobility. Ombudsman hears the Government on the need for articulation with an adequate regime for protection in the event of illness

At the start of the academic year and once the placement procedure that applied the new regime of mobility due to illness of teachers has been completed, the Ombudsman addressed an initial appraisal of this regime to the Minister of Education, requesting that he issue a statement, specifically in relation to the convenience of its integration within a suitable general…

Content type: News
Ombudsman at the 16th Annual Meeting of the Supreme Judicial Council

The Ombudsperson, Maria Lúcia AMARAL, participated on 21 October in the second and last day of the 16th Annual Meeting of the Supreme Judicial Council. The meeting took place in Gaia under the theme “The Independence of the Judicial Power”.

Content type: News
Metadata. Ombudsman heard by the Constitutional Affairs, Rights, Freedoms and Guarantees Committee

The Ombudsman, Maria Lúcia Amaral, was heard on 19 October, by the Committee of Constitutional Affairs, Rights, Freedoms and Guarantees, in the scope of the new general appreciation of Bills 70/XV/1.ª (PSD), 79/XV/1.ª (CH), 100/XV/1.ª (PCP) and of the Bill no. 11/XV/1.ª (GOV), under appraisal by the Working Group – Metadata.

Content type: News
Ombudsman at the solemn ceremony of the commemorations of the 112th anniversary of the implementation of the Republic

The Ombudsperson, Maria Lúcia Amaral, was present at the solemn ceremony of the commemorations of the 112th anniversary of the implementation of the Republic, that took place in Praça do Município, in Lisbon.

Content type: News
ADM. Ombudsman sends recommendation to the Minister of National Defence

The Ombudsman sent a recommendation for legislative alteration to the Minister of National Defence in order to revise the legal regime of Sickness Assistance to Armed Forces Military Personnel (ADM).To read the recommendation click here [in Portuguese only].

Content type: News
Coordinator of the NPM at the opening session of the IOM Workshop on “Alternatives to Administrative Detention”

The Ombudsman was represented by the Coordinator of the National Preventive Mechanism of the Ombudsman Office, Miguel Feldmann, at the Workshop on “Alternatives to Administrative Detention”, an initiative of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the United Nations Migration Agency. The meeting, which took place in Lisbon on 29 September, aimed to analyse, from a legal and practical point of…

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