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I O nº 3 da Resolução do Conselho de Ministros nº 29-A/2001, de 9 de Março, estabelece o seguinte: “Acolher a disponibilidade manifestada pelo Provedor de Justiça para colaborar no processo de reparação, solicitando-lhe a fixação dos critérios a utilizar no cálculo das indemnizações a pagar pelo Estado aos herdeiros das vítimas, de acordo com o princípio da equidade.” Venho…
Apresentou V. Ex.ª uma exposição neste Órgão de Estado relativamente, no essencial, às seguintes questões: 1. Desigualdade de tratamento dos técnicos de diagnóstico e terapêutica em relação aos enfermeiros, quanto aos métodos de reconhecimento do grau de bacharel e/ou diploma de estudos superiores especializados, sendo que, entre outros motivos, “enquanto para os enfermeiros serem bacharéis necessitavam de 145 pontos, aos…
Processo : R-485/02 (A2) Assessor : Elsa Dias Assunto : Fiscalidade. IRS. Retenção na fonte. Objecto : Procedimentos de retenção na fonte sobre retroactivos e 14º mês. Decisão : O processo foi arquivado depois de efectuada uma chamada de atenção à entidade pagadora dos rendimentos (a CGA) quanto à interpretação e aplicação do Decreto-Lei nº 42/91, de 22 de Janeiro.…
On 7 June, the Ombudsman obtained the renewal of its accreditation as a National Human Rights Institution (NHRI), maintaining the maximum ‘A’ status it has held since 1999. The demanding accreditation process takes place periodically under the auspices of the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI), in order to assess and certify the degree of compliance of NHRIs…
Within the scope of the Collaboration Protocol with the National Centre for Legal Innovation (CNIJ), set up by the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon in Bragança, the Ombudsman’s Office held its first Annual Meeting on 28 June to publicise its attributions and activities. This first initiative centred on the recent Report on Citizen Service in Public Services.…
The Ombudsman’s Senior Citizens’ Hotline received 1,239 calls to date this year, with the greatest number of requests for assistance related to health (167). This data may confirm the inversion observed in 2021, when, for the first time in the 23 years of existence of this line dedicated to assisting senior citizens, health questions exceeded those related to social responses,…
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The Ombudsperson took part in the commemorations of the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, organised by the Syndicate of Greuges in Barcelona on 1 July 2024, presenting the paper “The Portuguese penitentiary system and its monitoring by the National Preventive Mechanism”. NPM coordinator Miguel Feldmann was also present. The International Day in Support of Victims of Torture…
The Ombudsman sent a recommendation to the Minister for Modernization of the State and Public Administration in order to promote inter-ministerial reflection, and consequent re-examination of the legal solutions in force, in relation to the prohibition of discrimination on grounds of age in access to public employment. The recommendation arises in the wake of persistent complaints received from people who…
The Portuguese Postal Service (CTT) is unduly demanding payment of Value Added Tax (VAT) on small-value non-EU remittances between private individuals, concluded the Ombudsman after examining several complaints in this regard. In a recommendation addressed to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of CTT – Correios de Portugal, S.A. and communicated to the Director of Customs Regulation Services of…