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Content type: News
Ombudsperson receives Cape Verdean counterpart

On 8 March, the Ombudsman, Maria Lúcia Amaral, accompanied by the Deputy Ombudsmen, Estrela Chaby and Ravi Afonso Pereira, received the Ombudsman of Cape Verde, José Carlos Delgado. The visit marked the end of a technical training and exchange mission aimed at building the institutional capacity of the Cape Verde Ombudsman’s Office and the technical training of its experts. Over…

Content type: News
Ombudsperson takes part in conference on ‘Portugal, what future for immigrants’

The Ombudsperson, Mária Lúcia Amaral, took part in the conference organised by the League of Africans and Friends of Africa and the Angolan House of Culture on the theme ‘Portugal, what future for immigrants’.

Content type: News
The Ombudsman’s Office publishes a comprehensive report and recommendations on public services in the aftermath of the pandemic

Difficulties related to the service provided by public services have long been the subject of the Ombudsman’s attention. However, the pandemic of 2020 and 2021 and the need to confine the population have profoundly changed existing practices, and, after the health emergency, many doubts and complaints have arisen about how the channels between public services and citizens are being resumed.…

Content type: News
Deputy Ombudsman at the opening of the cycle of conferences organised on the occasion of the CNPD’s 30th anniversary

The Deputy Ombudsman, Ravi Afonso Pereira, attended the opening of the cycle of conferences organised on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the National Data Protection Commission. The event took place on 20 February in the Auditorium of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon.

Content type: News
Deputy Ombudsman at the opening of the 6th edition of the PSP Police Management and Strategy Course

The Deputy Ombudsman, Ravi Afonso Pereira, attended the opening of the 6th edition of the PSP’s Police Management and Strategy Course, which took place on 14 February at the Higher Institute of Police Sciences and Internal Security in Lisbon.

Content type: News
Ombudsman’s Office signs protocol with National Centre for Legal Innovation in Bragança

On 26 January, the Ombudsman’s Office, represented by the Deputy Ombudsman, Estrela Chaby, signed a collaboration protocol with the National Centre for Legal Innovation (CNIJ), located in Bragança. The CNIJ embodies a long-standing collaboration between the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon and Bragança City Council, under the slogan of a “University without walls”, with summer courses, conferences…

Content type: News
Four legal advisers from the Ombudsman’s Office take part in the 1st edition of the IOI-Europe Academy

Four legal advisers from the Ombudsman’s Office took part in the 1st edition of the International Ombudsman Institute (IOI) Academy, promoted by the Europe region and organised by the UK Ombudsman. This 1st edition of the IOI-Europe Academy took place on 16 and 17 January 2024 in Manchester and was particularly focused on working methods to involve and support the…

Content type: News
Deputy Ombudsman at the swearing-in of the Vice-President of the Supreme Court of Justice

The Deputy Ombudsman, Estrela Chaby, attended the swearing-in ceremony of the Vice-President of the Supreme Court of Justice, Counsellor Judge Graça Amaral.

Content type: News
Ombudsman presents New Year’s greetings to the President of the Republic

The Ombudsperson, Maria Lúcia Amaral, attended the audience to present New Year’s greetings to the President of the Republic, which took place on 10 January at the Belém Palace in Lisbon. Also present were the President of the Constitutional Court, the President of the Supreme Court of Justice, the President of the Supreme Administrative Court, the President of the Portuguese…

Content type: News
Ombudsman’s Office welcomes changes to procedures for granting special noise licences

Special noise licences are administrative permits – to be issued by local authorities (municipality or parish, depending on the case) – that allow temporary noisy activities to take place, under certain conditions, near sensitive locations (such as residential buildings, on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, and on working days between 8pm and 8am, or near hospitals or similar establishments). As…

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