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The Ombudsman has sent a recommendation to the Minister of Finance to repeal, as soon as possible, the regime on which the so-called Additional Solidarity Tax on the Banking Sector (“ASSB”) is based. After an in-depth study of the tax, carried out following the receipt of a complaint, it was concluded that it violates the principle of ability to pay,…
The Deputy Ombudsperson, Estrela Chaby, attended the first day of the 4th edition of the Human Rights Training Programme for Public Administration, organised by the National Institute of Administration (INA), participating in the Reflection Webinar “Priorities of the National Human Rights Institution”, on September 21. The programme aims to promote human rights and fundamental rights in Portuguese public services and…
The Ombudsman was represented by the Deputy Ombudsperson, Estrela Chaby, at the Solemn Opening Ceremony of the 40th Magistrates’ Training Course for the Judicial Courts and the 10th Judges’ Training Course for the Administrative and Tax Courts, which took place at the Centre for Judicial Studies (CEJ), in Lisbon, on 18 September 2023. More information about the ceremony here.
The Ombudsman, Maria Lúcia Amaral, closed the first cycle of sessions of the conference organised by the Participar+ Association on “The fragility of democratic institutions in Portugal”. The event took place on 18 September at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon. To read the Ombudsman’s speech, click here [in Portuguese only].
The Deputy Ombudsman, Ravi Afonso Pereira, took part in the online meeting held on 13 September by the Chair of the ENNHRI Working Group on Artificial Intelligence, Nele Roekens, which consisted of an information session for interested members on ENNHRI’s current involvement in AI and the opportunities and expected impacts for National Human Rights Institutions. You can find out more…
The Ombudsman, Maria Lúcia Amaral, was heard by the Committee on Constitutional Affairs, Rights, Freedoms and Guarantees on 14 September at 4.30pm to present the Annual Activity Report for 2022, including the National Prevention Mechanism Report. To view the hearing, click here.
A Provedora de Justiça congratula-se com a aprovação do novo regime jurídico do cadastro predial (Decreto-Lei n.º 72/2023, de 23 agosto), na expectativa de que permita ultrapassar os grandes atrasos nos procedimentos de reclamação administrativa (PRA) para retificação de erros e/ou a atualização de elementos constantes das matrizes prediais. O procedimento de reclamação administrativa até agora em vigor exigia o…
The Ombudsperson, Maria Lúcia Amaral, participated in the meeting of the Council of State held on 5 September 2023, at the Palácio de Belém, dedicated to the analysis of the economic, social and political situation in Portugal for the conclusion of the Council of State meeting on 21 July 2023. The situation in Ukraine was also analysed. More information here.
The Ombudsperson was represented by the Deputy Ombudsman, Ravi Afonso Pereira, at the swearing-in ceremony of the new Commander General of the National Republican Guard, Lieutenant General Rui Veloso, and the new National Director of the Public Security Police, Chief Superintendent José Barros Correia. For the first time, the leaders of the two security forces (GNR and PSP) were sworn…
Jorge Silva Sampaio, a member of the Ombudsman’s Office, took part in the online meeting of the National Open Administration Network, which includes representatives of public bodies and civil society, on 29 August, which discussed the 2nd and 3rd National Open Administration Action Plans, the latter of which is still being drawn up. The National Open Administration Network, in which…