Ex-military personnel of the Armed Forces. Ombudsman requests the Government to ensure effective accounting of the evaluation for the purposes of career progression

The Ombudsman sent a recommendation to the Government to ensure effective accounting of the evaluation of former members of the Armed Forces who entered the Public Administration under the scope of the “system of incentives for provision of military service”.

Following the assessment of various complaints, it was concluded that, in most cases, the norm of the State Budget for 2021 was not applied, which foresees the accounting of the evaluations obtained by these individuals during the years in which they performed duties in the Armed Forces. This rule adapts to the new career regime for workers in public service a right that has long been part of the system of incentives for the hiring of military personnel.

In the recommendation addressed to the Minister of National Defence and to the Minister of the Presidency, the Ombudsman emphasizes that the right to have evaluations counted for the purposes of career progression in the career in which the ex-military personnel entered, should be guaranteed by public employers, and the right in question cannot be paralyzed by eventual doubts in the interpretation and application of the norm that consecrates this right.

To read the recommendation in full, click here [in Portuguese only].

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