Four legal advisers from the Ombudsman’s Office take part in the 1st edition of the IOI-Europe Academy

Four legal advisers from the Ombudsman’s Office took part in the 1st edition of the International Ombudsman Institute (IOI) Academy, promoted by the Europe region and organised by the UK Ombudsman. This 1st edition of the IOI-Europe Academy took place on 16 and 17 January 2024 in Manchester and was particularly focused on working methods to involve and support the most vulnerable communities. The Ombudsman, Maria Lúcia Amaral, accompanied the launch of this initiative.  In 2020, Maria Lúcia Amaral was elected to the Board of the European Region of the IOI and, at the same time, to its Board of Directors.

Established in 1978, the IOI – International Ombudsman Institute is the only organisation with a global vocation for ombudsman cooperation. Its members include not only Ombudsmen (institutional members), but also other people or agencies who, while not holding that status, are interested or involved in related activities (associate members). In addition to global meetings and initiatives, there are decentralised activities in six Regions – including Europe, where the Portuguese Ombudsman is included.

To find out more about the IOI, click here. You can also visit the IOI Europe Region website here.

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