International Human Rights Day

On 10 December the international community celebrates International Human Rights Day, marking the moment when the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948.

Constituting a civilizational milestone in our collective history, the Declaration brought to the legal, social and cultural level the strong idea that all human beings are holders of inalienable rights, regardless of their race, gender, language, religion, political or ideological beliefs, social status or sexual orientation.

For the year 2022 the United Nations has chosen the theme of Dignity, Freedom and Justice for All. By highlighting the protection due to vulnerable groups such as people with disabilities, native peoples or migrants, the aim is to reaffirm the universality of the Declaration.

In Portugal, the Ombudsman is the privileged interlocutor of the international institutions that monitor compliance, by States, with the rights enshrined in the Declaration.

At the same time, his activity includes the dissemination of fundamental human rights and their protection, and he is particularly vigilant as regards respect for the rights of the most vulnerable: children, the elderly and people with disabilities, for whom he has dedicated telephone helplines. Find out here how we can help you.

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