The Ombudsman as National Human Rights Institution Accreditation as NHRI Monitoring of International Obligations Alternative Reports and Other Contributions Recommendations to the Portuguese State Studies and Reports Events Networks of Human Rights Institutions Studies and Questionnaires National International GANHRI ENNHRI International events Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 Next Ombudsman in Angola to participate in the fifth meeting of the CPLP-Human Rights Network 2022-04-26 Deputy Ombudsman intervenes at the 10th UN Forum on Business and Human Rights 2021-11-29 FIO. XXV Network Meeting, General Assembly and Congress on the theme “Pandemic, good governance and Human Rights 2021-11-29 Deputy Ombudsman participates in ENNHRI Leadership Forum 2021-11-09 Ombudsmen of Portugal and Angola sign Cooperation Agreement 2021-10-13 Ombudsman participates in the General Assembly of the European Network of National Human Rights Institutions 2021-09-29 Ombudsman participates in webinar on the use of European funds during the pandemic to support older people and people with disabilities 2021-09-15 Ombudspersons of Portugal and Cape Verde sign Cooperation Protocol 2021-06-25 Deputy Ombudsman participates in Demos conference on Human Rights 2021-06-24 Ombudsman meets with Spanish counterpart 2020-01-20 Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 Next