Ombudsman talks about the rights of citizens with disabilities at S. João da Talha Secondary School

The Ombudsman, in his activity to promote human rights, gave a lecture to the students of the 10th year of the Secondary School of S. João da Talha, warning of the need to respect the dignity, equality, autonomy and participation of people with disabilities.

People with disabilities in Portugal still represent a group that faces prejudice and discrimination, which sometimes sees limited or even denied fundamental freedoms and human rights.

As a National Human Rights Institution, the Ombudsman has worked with a renewed commitment to safeguard the legitimate rights of these people, in particular to ensure full access to health (regular follow-up in a specialist consultation), education (presence of therapists in the classroom) and sports and leisure (changing rooms suitable for both men and women), to give some examples. Also after the intervention of the Ombudsman, the government has recently committed itself to equate prizes and supports given to Olympic and Paralympic athletes.

In order to clarify the rights of persons with disabilities and, where appropriate, to refer them to the bodies which can assist them, the Ombudsman has at his disposal the Citizen’s Line with Disabilities.

Through this toll-free telephone service, accessible by the number 800 20 84 62, information is provided on the rights and supports addressed to these citizens in health, social security, housing, social facilities and services. In 2018, this line received more than 700 requests for support, which translates an annual increase of the order of 9%. The issues most often mentioned are those related to Social Benefits, including Social Inclusion for Inclusion, which originated a large number of requests for support.

During the visit to the High School of S. João da Talha, the Ombudsman was represented by Deputy of the Cabinet Ana Rita Gil and Trainee Tatiana Freitas.



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