People with Disabilities’ Line

800 20 84 62 (toll-free telephone number)

On workdays, at 9:30am to 17:30pm

(There is a voice mail system outsider these hours)

What is the Persons with Disabilities’ Line purpose?

The Persons with Disabilities’ Line is a free call line specially aimed to deal with the problems of disabled persons, giving information about their rights and the benefits that they can have, especially in areas of health, social security, habitation, equipment and services.

How the Persons with Disabilities’ Line works?

The Ombudsman’s staff provides personalized information, in an informal and prompt way. If the case justifies it, they can refer the situation to the appropriated entities (for example, to the Social Security services) and contact with the appropriate institutions (v.g., healthcare facilities or municipalities).

To illustrate the work of the Persons with Disabilities’ Line, here are two examples:

Case 1

One person informed the Hot Line that his special parking space, assigned by the municipality, had been withdraw. The citizen contacted the local authority but he did not get any answer. The Persons with Disabilities’ Line contacted the municipality, which informed that the parking sign was removed by mistake, ensuring its reposition in a brief time. Shortly afterwards, the citizen contacted the Line to communicate the replacement of his parking sign.

Case 2

One citizen, who uses a wheelchair, contacted the Persons with Disabilities’ Line, requesting information about his rights in the matter of accessibility. In fact, the reason of his call was that the elevator of his apartment had a malfunction, making it impossible to leave his home without other people’s assistance.
The Persons with Disabilities’ Line contacted with the competent public institute (in habitation and urban rehabilitation domain) which had committed to provide wheelchair and lift platforms, as well as providing for the elevators’ repair.

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