Social tariff for water: Ombudsman sends recommendation on application of consumption limits

The Ombudsman sent a recommendation that the social water tariff be applied to the first m3 of consumption/month legally provided for consumers who meet the requirements for its benefit, regardless of whether they may exceed this monthly consumption.

It is up to municipal councils to set maximum consumption limits on which discounts or exemptions are applied, but not a maximum consumption limit that, once exceeded, in no way excludes consumers from the benefit of the social water tariff.  "While it is not inappropriate that exceeding the authorised maximum limit could mean that the remaining consumption falls outside the social tariff, it is difficult to understand why, once this limit has been exceeded, someone should simply cease to be considered to be in a situation of economic deprivation", points out the Ombudsman, Maria Lúcia Amaral.

The recommendation comes in the wake of a complaint filed against the Intermunicipal Services (SIMAS) of Oeiras and Amadora.

To read the full text of the recommendation click here [in Portuguese only].


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