Tax executions. Ombudsman recommends far-reaching changes after inspections of Social Security Executive Proceedings Sections highlight practices that undermine citizens’ rights

Following inspections, which confirmed irregular practices that harm citizens’ rights, the Ombudsman sent to the management of Social Security institutes and to the government a set of recommendations aimed at correcting such practices, as well as improving the methods and working conditions in these services responsible for the execution of forced collection processes for debts to Social Security.

Motivated by the receipt of an increasing volume of complaints, the inspections took place throughout 2019, with teams of jurists from the Ombudsman’s Office visiting half of the country’s 22 PES in person and sending out questionnaires to all of them. The results of these inspections were systematized in a Report that, after being submitted to contradictory, now becomes public and its final version can be read here, accompanied by the respective annexes.
The Ombudsman’s recommendations focus on the most serious practices detected during the inspections, with a view to their rapid correction. Situations of non-existent debt collection, attachment of bank accounts above the legally allowed amount, unjustified delay in the restitution of amounts unduly charged, or even failure to notify the deadlines for payment of debts in a timely and correct manner are examples of practices that particularly injure the rights of citizens and that in many cases aggravate the precarious situations of the households of the executed.

To read the report click here [in Portuguese only].

To read the recommendations addressed click here [in Portuguese only].



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