Sara Patrícia Santos Duarte

Personal Secretary

Sara Patrícia Santos Duarte was born in Coimbra on the 6th December, 1976. She holds a degree in Modern Languages and Literature from the Faculty of Arts of the University of Coimbra (2001). She has been Secretary to the Office of the Ombudsman since 2013, accumulating, since 2016, the same function in the National Prevention Mechanism. Between 2009 and 2013 she was Secretary at the Institute of European and Economic Criminal Law for the management of administrative tasks, collection and dissemination of information and organization of training courses. She was a trainer at the Language and Communication module held at the Association Existências Coimbra (2009/2010) and also a Portuguese Language Assistant at the Chateaubriand High School in Rennes, France (2007/2008).

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