The Ombudsman welcomes amendment to the Regulation on Legal Entitlement to Drive

In 2018, the Ombudsperson, Maria Lúcia Amaral, recommended to the Minister of Planning and Infrastructures the amendment of the Regulation of Legal Qualification to Drive, so that the diploma would provide for the possibility of justification for any failure to attend examinations of driving.

Already this year, the Secretary of State for Infrastructures came to give an account of the compliance with the Recommendation, stating that guidelines had been given to the Institute of Mobility and Transport for the presentation of a draft amendment to the diploma, as suggested by the Provider of Justice.

Currently, any applicant for a license is subject to the payment of a new registration fee, even if the absence is due to duly substantiated health reasons. Concluding that the current system does not appear to be equitable, implying unfairly the renewal of the administrative procedure, in April 2018 the Ombudsman recommended amending the diploma.


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